Most of the children remember a 28 - 45 lettered word as the longest English word.
Some of these words are:
- antidisestablishmentarianism-opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England - 28 letters
- floccinaucinihilipilification -the estimation of something as worthless - 29 letters
But Medical students know a word that is even longer than these i.e.
- pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis-a supposed lung disease - 45 letters
Surprising fact is that even this word with 45 letters is not the longest. But there are some chemical compounds. These Compounds might have infinite letters, like a string of DNA structure.
One of them is a Tobacco Mosaic Virus, Dahlemense Strain. .containing 1185 words.
Some other examples are:
But We don't tend to regard these terms as proper 'words'.
These might be the names of chemicals and can be treated as terms, but these are not english language words.
Here we have another name :
Name of a place containing 85 words.
A hill in New Zealand. This Maori name was in general use, but is now generally abbreviated to Taumata. The name means: the summit of the hill, where Tamatea, who is known as the land eater, slid down, climbed up and swallowed mountains, played on his nose flute to his loved one.
But this and some other more like this can't be found in major dictionaries.